Radio Hut

Radio Hut

Miniature Museum presents… Test Transmissions – research and development experiments with theatre and radio wave technologies…in collaboration with Jonny Fluffypunk

Submarine Set

Submarine Set

Submarine Set Submarine set commissioned for show ‘Geheime Dieptes’ at The Marine Museum, Den Helder, The Netherlands. Kennis Door Theater specialises in educative interpretative theater for museums.  ‘Geheime Dieptes’ (‘Secret/Covert...
Submarine Portal

Submarine Portal

Submarine Portal Submarine Portal at Elmore Court This submarine portal was built to pass through and enter Elmore Court’s venue ‘The Gilly Flower’ which had been transformed for the night into a huge submarine experience for dancing as part of a...


Bunny Bunny to burn made for ‘Who Stole The Tarts’ an immersive theatre Alice In Wonderland adventure at Aynhoe Park by ‘The Rabbit Hole’ of Glastonbury fame. This bunny was made intensely over 1 week on location at Aynhoe Park, with wood...